Our Approach

Our Approach

Our long-term vision for a better and more sustainable world

At MISC, our sustainability vision is to deliver long-term shareholder value by operating safely, sustainably, and responsibly to achieve positive impacts for the environment and society. Sustainability touches every aspect of our business and value chain. 

As a world-leading provider of international energy-related maritime solutions and services, we see opportunities for creating long-term value while minimising externality trade-offs associated with our operations and value chain. Our sustainability agenda addresses the issues that matter most to our business and our stakeholders. 

Discover how we’re building a better and more sustainable world through our business operation.

Our sustainability strategy


Our sustainability strategy

MISC developed its Sustainability Strategy 2021-2025 through six employee workshops. These sessions included employees from different business units and subsidiaries, representing diverse perspectives. Together, we identified the ESG factors relevant to MISC and incorporated our strategic priorities. Our goal is to contribute to the global sustainability agenda.

Our strategy contribution to UNSDG

MISC has put in place focused initiatives and programs that support the following 11 UNSDGs.

Prioritising what matters most


Prioritising what matters most

We prioritise sustainability throughout our business and value chain as a global provider of energy-related maritime solutions. In 2019, we conducted a thorough evaluation to identify the most important environmental, social, and governance aspects for our business. This assessment followed international standards and included research on sustainability trends and industry benchmarks.

Engaging Our Stakeholders

We are committed to contributing towards elevating the maritime industry and making a positive impact on our stakeholders. This commitment is supported by our stakeholder engagement strategy, focusing on creating shared values through awareness, dialogue, and collaboration. At MISC, stakeholder engagement is integrated into every step of our value creation process.  

Stakeholder engagement principles 

  • COLLABORATE with strategic partners 
  • PROMOTE sustainability awareness 
  • COMMUNICATE effectively through identified platforms 
  • FEEDBACK sought regularly from stakeholders 
  • TRANSPARENCY through disclosures

Selecting material topics

We prioritise sustainability to create value and minimize negative impacts while addressing stakeholder concerns.

Conduct desktop research from key industry issues, peers, and leaders to identify a broad list of issues relevant to MISC.

Categorised the universe of issues into the six capitals:

  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Intellectual
  • Human
  • Social and Relationship
  • Natural

Engage internal and external stakeholders to better understand and prioritise the matters by selecting and scoring the top five material matters.

  • Conducted 15 interview sessions with management, board members, customers, investors, and banks.
  • Conducted employee focus group sessions from various divisions, business segments, and subsidiaries.

  • Mapping MISC materiality matrix based on inputs from internal and external stakeholder engagement.
  • Validation by Management Committee on the final materiality matrix.
MISC Group’s materiality matrix


MISC Group’s materiality matrix

We regularly review and validate our material topics through our sustainability governance mechanism. Based on feedback and industry trends, we refined our topics, adding health and safety, employee engagement, and natural resource use. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the urgency of addressing these areas. We will continue monitoring our material topics to stay relevant.

Sustainability disclosures and performances

Maintaining strong governance is essential for sustainable business. Governance is more than a set of written principles and practices; it is embedded in our stakeholder value creation commitment. We have introduced clear and effective sustainability governance structures throughout MISC. Supported by several performance standards and other controls, our governance procedures are applied to all aspects of MISC’s decision-making process.

MISC Ship Recycling Policy Download PDF
MISC Health, Safety & Environment Policy Download PDF
MISC Security Policy Download PDF
MISC Substance Misuse Policy Download PDF
MISC Life-Saving Rules Download PDF
MISC Diversity and Inclusion Statement Download PDF

Annual Report 2023 Download PDF
Sustainability Report 2023 Download PDF
Climate-related Financial Disclosures 2023 Download PDF
Annual Report 2022 Download PDF
Sustainability Report 2022 Download PDF
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 2022 Download PDF


Financial Download PDF
Environment Download PDF
Social – Health and Safety Download PDF
Social – Talent Excellence Download PDF
Governance Download PDF


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Sustainability news

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Sustainability Report

View our sustainability report

Gain an in-depth understanding of how we are building a better and more sustainable world through our business operations. This Sustainability Report outlines our material environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and our forward-looking commitments within the context of the maritime industry.

View report
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