Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Commitment to strong corporate governance

At MISC, we firmly believe that sound corporate governance practices are fundamental towards winning investors' confidence and are pre-requisites to achieving the company's ultimate objectives of enhancing long-term shareholder value and protecting stakeholders' interests. 

 Given governance forms one of the pillars which upholds MISC's Sustainability Strategy 2021-2025, the Board strives to ensure that MISC's corporate governance practices conform to the best practice recommendations of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance and comply with the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad

MISC Corporate Structure last updated as of 26th February 2024.

Corporate Structure Download PDF

The Corporate Governance Framework of MISC is reflective of the way strategic and operational activities are managed.

The Constitution of a company sets out its powers and governs its internal affairs and management of the company.

Constitution Download PDF

The Board Charter guides the Board of Directors in the discharge of their duties. It is subject to periodic review to ensure continued adherence to the highest standards of corporate governance.

Board Charter Download PDF

The Board entrusts specific governance duties to Board Committees, which function under well-defined Terms of References. The Board Committees primarily aid the Board in fulfilling its obligations and responsibilities.

The Terms of Reference of the Board Committees are subject to periodic review to ensure their alignment with MISC's best practices of corporate governance.

Board Audit Committee Download PDF
Board Nomination & Remuneration Committee Download PDF
Board Sustainability & Risk Committee Download PDF

The Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy requires all Board members to have the necessary qualities, competencies and experience to perform their duties and carry out the responsibilities required of the position in the most effective manner.

Directors’ Fit & Proper Policy Download PDF

The Remuneration Framework for Non-Executive Directors of MISC Berhad guides the remuneration of MISC's Non-Executive Directors.

Directors’ Remuneration Framework Download PDF

The MISC Corporate Disclosure Policy sets out MISC’s policy and procedures for the disclosure of material information to Bursa Malaysia and communication of other relevant material information to the investment community, media, and other relevant stakeholders in a timely, consistent, and appropriate manner.

Corporate Disclosure Policy Download PDF


Documents Year  
Minutes of the 55th AGM of MISC 2024 Download PDF
Minutes of the 54th AGM of MISC 2023 Download PDF
Minutes of the 53rd AGM of MISC 2022 Download PDF
Minutes of the 52nd AGM of MISC 2021 Download PDF
Minutes of the 51st AGM of MISC 2020 Download PDF
Minutes of the 50th AGM of MISC 2019 Download PDF
Minutes of the 49th AGM of MISC 2018 Download PDF
Minutes of the 48th AGM of MISC 2017 Download PDF
Minutes of the 47th AGM of MISC 2016 Download PDF
Minutes of the EGM of MISC 2016 Download PDF
Minutes of the 46th AGM of MISC 2015 Download PDF


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