Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity Conservation

Taking care of the ocean and its marine biodiversity

The ocean is an essential part of Earth's ecosystem, and it is home to a wide and diverse variety of marine life. For far too long, anthropogenic activities have put our ocean at risk. By operating sustainably worldwide, we continue to take an active role in reducing our carbon footprint, key emissions, and waste to achieve our set targets. 

Marine biodiversity is declining, and our ocean ecosystem is losing its ability to overcome disturbances. Coral reefs are threatened, and more than one in six mangrove species worldwide are in danger of extinction. At MISC, we are committed to making a positive impact on ocean biodiversity through our Group’s Heart of the Ocean marine biodiversity conservation programme. This corporate and sustainable environmental initiative is aimed at improving the ocean’s health by conserving the marine ecosystems and reducing the impact of human activities on the oceans.

Our commitment

  • To conserve and rehabilitate marine biodiversity and ecosystem through implementing the Group’s Heart of The Ocean programme. The programme aims to improve ocean health by conserving the marine ecosystem and reducing the impact of human activities.

Our initiatives    

Our long-term marine biodiversity conservation initiatives play a vital role in maintaining the health of the world’s oceans and represent our commitment and approach to ensure sustainable use of the ocean and to safeguard our marine ecosystem and its biodiversity. Under the Heart of The Ocean, two signature conservation initiatives were introduced:

  • Mersing Islands Reef Conservation Initiative – led by the Group.
  • UMT-MMS Sea Turtle Conservation Initiative – led by MISC Maritime Services Sdn Bhd (MMS), a wholly owned subsidiary of MISC Group.

Our contribution to UNSDG

  • Sustainably manage and protect marine ecosystems by strengthening their resilience and take action for their restoration in order to maintain sustainable ocean health. 


Our umbrella programme for biodiversity conservation initiatives

Heart of the Ocean

Our umbrella programme for biodiversity conservation initiatives

The name, ‘Heart of The Ocean’ symbolises our love and dedication to taking care of the ocean and its marine biodiversity. 

The Heart of The Ocean logo embodies MISC Group’s commitment, conviction, and steadfast belief in continuously safeguarding the ocean and its marine biodiversity. The pair of hands represent our connection to ocean life, with the hands coming together to form a heart shape depicting our love and passion in preserving marine life for the generations to come. To us, the icon exemplifies the diversity in the ocean, which we see as the heart of the ocean. 

Raising biodiversity conservation

Employee participation programme

Raising biodiversity conservation

We are all a part of the planet’s biodiversity and are dependent on biodiversity for survival and well-being. Understanding the importance of biodiversity is critical for its conservation and sustainable use. With depletion of the world’s biodiversity species and the ecosystem, we hope to create a new balance rooted in a proper understanding of the ocean and how humanity relates to it in order to protect and sustain it. At MISC, we actively promote a deeper understanding of ocean health among our employees through various awareness campaigns and internal postings.

The Heart of The Ocean programme incorporates participation and/or volunteerism from MISC Group employees to improve our people’s environmental awareness, employee relations and engagement through participation in conservation activities. Since 2022, the Employee Participation Programme (EPP) held at the Mersing Islands, has provided opportunities for our employees to not only experience conservation work, but also interact with local communities, sharing of knowledge and promoting social awareness.

Knowledge sharing amongst the MISC communities is conducted periodically especially on relevant observant day such as World Oceans Day by United Nations. These awareness programmes promote a better understanding of sustainable conservation and use of biological resources amongst MISC communities.

Learn more about Heart of The Ocean Programme

Total beach clean-up conducted

Total beach clean-up conducted

40 clean-ups

No. of reef sites surveyed

No. of reef sites surveyed

36 sites

Total trash collected

Total trash collected

11,390 kg


Individuals engaged through programmes and trainings


Sea turtle nests conserved

Sea turtle nests conserved

8,620 nests

Staff participating in Heart of The Ocean volunteering programme

Staff participating in Heart of The Ocean volunteering programme


Our Biodiversity Programme Partners

Here are our list of collaborative partners 

Reef Check Malaysia

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Gain an in-depth understanding of how we are building a better and more sustainable world through our business operations. This Sustainability Report outlines our material environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and our forward-looking commitments within the context of the maritime industry.

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